The Familiar Wikia

Annotations for A Stranger from Into the Forest.

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so it begins Due Diligence

Page 276[]

Mamas and Papas

lyrics from Dedicated To The One I Love

Page 278[]


Open video codec


Non-existent. Is it related to Synsnap-27?

Page 283[]


In ancient Greek religion, was the second of the Three Fates, or Moirai: Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos. Normally seen clothed in white, Lachesis is the measurer of the thread spun on Clotho's spindle, and in some texts, determines Destiny, or thread of life. + a genus of venomous pit vipers

Page 285[]

...tiny storms

This first sentence of the Orb, is the last sentence the Orb shows in Vol. 01 on p. 655, Ch. "Tiny Storms", so it is the same scene continuing.

not even seven

On p. 654 of Vol. 01 it says this Athens scene takes place summer 2008. Xanther was born September 2001, so she is indeed almost 7 at that point. Interestingly, Cas/the Orb in "Tiny Storms" first thought "Is she even eight?", so maybe Xanther looked older than she was.

Deus non est genere

"Deus non est in genere." God is not a member of any class (tree, animal, stone etc), Thomas Aquinas

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so it begins Due Diligence